Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)

The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is the statement of the ways the region plans to invest in the transportation system. The plan includes strategies/actions that lead to the development of an integrated intermodal transportation system that facilitates the efficient movement of people and goods.

Elements of the LRTP

  • Identifies goals, concerns, and projects

  • Determines project demand for transportation services over 20 years

  • Focuses at the systems level, including roadways, transit, and non-motorized transportation

  • Estimates costs and identifies reasonably available financial sources for operation, maintenance, and capital investments

  • Determines ways to preserve existing roads and facilities and make efficient use of the existing system

  • Is consistent with the statewide transportation plan and local members’ plans

  • Establishes a performance-based planning process and includes a System Performance Report that monitors the achievement of the performance measures and targets

Who is Involved in Creating the LRTP?

The MACC’s Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is developed with input from community stakeholders, the general public, the MACC Transportation Technical Committee, MDOT, and MACC staff. The MACC through its stakeholder list makes special efforts to engage traditionally underserved as well as other interested parties in the development of the plan.

The LRTP was reviewed by the Michigan Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration and approved by the MACC Policy Committee. The current approved Long-Range Transportation Plan has a planning horizon to the year 2045 (Plan & Appendix). The MACC’s Policy Board approved the 2045 LRTP in February 2020.

MACC Staff is currently working on the 2050 LRTP. The expected completion date is February 2024